Bloom Talk

Bloom Talk is a podcast show that seeks to unravel the multitude of menstrual experiences through authentic storytelling, fostering information exchange, awareness building, and the amplification of lived experiences. Aiming to break the silence around menstruation, it constructs a collective narrative that empowers menstruators while promoting understanding among its listeners. By encouraging individuals to creatively recount their menstrual experiences, Bloom Talk seeks to destigmatize menstruation, bursting myths and taboos while normalizing the uniqueness of each menstrual cycle.

The format of an audio podcast provides a public platform for shame-free sharing, offering comfort to those who seek it by listening to others' stories. The pilot season of Bloom Talk comprises ten episodes encapsulating raw and unscripted narratives from its contributors that underscore the depth and complexity of individual experiences, highlighting the importance of embracing a multiplicity of perspectives in discussions surrounding menstruation.

Season 1

For the pilot season of the podcast, contributors were sourced from within the Emily Carr University community in Vancouver. Interested participants were asked to submit personal stories encapsulating real and honest experiences related to menstruation. These stories bring forth a rich tapestry of menstrual experiences, encapsulating poignant moments in individuals’ lives related to menstruation.

Bloom Talk has become a transformative platform, amplifying the voices of menstruators, and contributing significantly to breaking societal taboos and building awareness. The poignant and diverse stories shared on the podcast serve as a testament to its ability to empower agency, fostering a sense of community around the misunderstood and stigmatised process of menstruation.

Click the buttons below to listen to Season 1 of Bloom Talk on the following platforms:

Season 1 comprises ten short-format episodes under 15 minutes each:

My Most Loyal Friend
A positive story that recounts a deep affinity and connection with the menstrual cycle.

A Period Accident
A shameful incident of experiencing a period “accident” in middle school in an unempathetic environment.

I Was Ready For It
An inspirational tale of a non-binary person being prepared for menstruation by their mother at an early age.

Tampons and Sisterhood
An anxious experience of navigating a first period, tampons, and a celebration of sisterhood.

Karma Bit Me in the Uterus
A tumultuous coming-of-age tale about the ever-changing nature of the menstrual cycle.

A Period and a Chicken
A peculiar story of faking a menstrual cycle that ends with the sacrifice of a white chicken.

“You Must Be On Your Period”
An empowering story of denouncing period euphemisms and code words.

Stay Away From Boys!
Two cautionary cultural forewarnings about menstruation from older female relatives.

Am I Going to Die Today?!
A terrifying account of having a very painful first period at an outdoor picnic with all male family members.

Liberating My Flow
A liberating story from the trials and tribulations of using menstrual management products.

We’d Love To Hear Your Menstrual Story!

Bloom Talk is looking for contributors for Season 2 –menstruators AND non-menstruators.

In a conversational tone, tell us about a personal menstrual experience (funny/ angry/ liberating/ shameful/ empowering/ sad/ happy/ embarrassing/ scary/ weird/ compassionate etc.) or one that you were witness to, that impacted your perception of menstruation.

A recording of 3-10 minutes is ideal. You can choose to share your name, use a pseudonym, or not share your name at all.

Send your recording to

Tips for recording:

Find a quiet space like a closed room or closet to eliminate other sounds.

The recording app on your phone or computer would work perfectly.

When you have completed your recording, send it to us in any of these file formats - .mp3, .mp4, .wav, or .m4a.

Bloom Talk is curated and hosted by Priyanka Poulose, with music and technical production by Khol Kelly.